Dear reader,
The Temple of Consciousness is now live. This moment is a great one. As the author, I am the only person in the world who understands how great and different this day is. But you too will learn this when you read the book. Here, I would like to offer some crucial advice — The Ten Commandments of The Temple. Through these commandments, you will benefit the most from reading this mystical book.
1. Clear your mind of everything you have heard, read, or viewed in life so far. There is no other book out there like The Temple. There are no revelations out there like those you will find in The Temple. This means you must approach The Temple with a fresh and open mind.
2. If you ask for revelations, you will receive them through the Spontaneous Forces of the universe. There are no revelations for those who have a closed mind.The Temple will be activated by reading it. After reading it for the first time, you will feel the notion of something evolutionary and revolutionary taking hold, like you feel the first tremors of an impending earthquake. Simply reading it, however, is not enough. Extensive reading is not enough. You must place it in the area of “first aid for your mind”. It will be your fundamental life partner. You must love it and make it your fundamental partner in daily life.
3. To cultivate your own creative peace, read a chapter every morning before you start your daily routine. The light of the book will guide you to make the right selections, to make the most effective decisions, to avoid the traps that people-demons may set against you.
4. In the evening, read a chapter instead of wasting your time on social media or watching TV. Detach yourself from your smartphone for a while, and be smart instead. From the act of reading, you will feel healed, relaxed, and more self-confident than endlessly scrolling through social media or watching mindless programs.
5. When you have finished it, do not leave it on your bookshelf, as you do with all the books you have read. If you read it once, then leave on the bookshelf, the game is over. You will not fully benefit from its wisdom. Read it again and again. Every time you read it, new revelations will appear. You will discover new treasures that were hidden the previous time. As the author, I have read it hundreds of times. Even as the author, any new read is a first-time read for me, full of shocking discoveries, full of spiritual treasures.
6. Reflect on what you have read. Go out into the world and observe with your own, fresh eyes. See the reality of what is happening in the world around you, not the world fed to you on TV. Wake up from the illusion of the world that surrounds you, from what you are fed by the media and the mainstream. Look with your own eyes.If we want to see the future, we are taught that science and technology have the answers. Do you really believe that science and technology have the solutions for you? Are you kidding me?
7. We have all benefited from science and technology developments, especially myself, as you will read in the book. Without those developments, I would not be here. I would be dead from depression and alcoholism, my escape from bipolar and wild, full-blown Asperger’s syndrome, the black flamingos in my genetic pool. Instead of being dead, I never drink alcohol, I never smoke, I never drink coffee or tea, and I carefully select what I eat, my friend. I am a giant instead of being dead.
But after that, then what? What can science and technology do for you in your daily battles against all kinds of people-demons? What can it do for you if you are unemployed? What can it do to prevent climate change? What can it do to support the billions of people in developing countries who want to stay at their homelands but cannot afford a reasonable quality of life? What can it do to prevent crime against you and your family?
From this point on, science-technology and your daily life are parallel worlds. They will not meet, will not cross paths. The Temple is your 21st Century life guide on how to escape the illusionary world you were living in before this book. You will discover what the future really is.
8. Transform The Temple into living scriptures, the modern 21st Century gospel. Dispose of all religious scriptures and gospels written hundreds or even thousand years ago, when humans were very simple forms of intelligence, very near to animals, with a very low life expectancy (30-35 years in Jesus’ times!), and a very limited understanding or knowledge beyond myths and gods.
Hey, are you the same intelligent being as those who lived hundreds or thousands of years ago? If you think you are the same, then remain as you are, but by your free will and by your poor attitude, you will belong to the category of eternal losers, just a random, vile speck in the universe. If you think you are more than that, then choose to be the winner. Choose evolution.
9. Talk to other people about the benefits you have gained by reading this book, and the revelations you have uncovered. Share your experiences with the ordinary people who never had the chance to discover the new dimensions of life, new thought, the New Fundamental Life, and the Evolutionary Way. Carry the light of The Temple for them.
10. Be the light of the world.
To order your copy of The Temple, this is the way…